More carsharing, less hassle.
Joining Communauto means accessing a fleet of several thousand vehicles that can be rented at low prices for as long as you want. Switching to carsharing means more savings, less hassle, and less pollution! Discover the many benefits that Communauto offers.

More freedom, less worries.
We offer 2 services: Communauto round-trip vehicles available in stations and FLEX free floating cars parked on the street.
Enjoy all the benefits, such as reservations up to 30 days in advance for round-trip vehicles and the privilege of parking in resident-only spaces for FLEX vehicles.
To start a trip, simply find a car and drive!

More outings, less bills.
off with promo code ECO
With Communauto, you only pay according to your use. All prices include gas, insurance and maintenance. No more time (and money) wasted at the shop, and forget about monthly car payments!

More green spaces, less CO2.
Did you know that carsharing has an important influence on reducing the number of vehicles on the road, reducing car use, and on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other polluting emissions? Everybody wins!